Wednesday, August 15, 2012

One Day At a Time by Dr Dave .........Blog Day (#5)

August 16, 2912

This is the BLOG DAY Blog that I plan to send out quarterly to pause and reflect about where I am with my Blogging! I will continue this blog where I left off soon so hang in there. I love to Blog because that is about all I have to keep my mind going. Here is a little story my Great grandma Austin told me that you may enjoy for this short Blog:

A Short Story Before I Continue

I want to tell you a story that my Great grandma Austin told me about people that called her "senile". Since we are all advancing in years I thought it very appropriate and fitting to tell what this 85 year old grand old lady told me when I was about 7 years old.
I remember I had asked her what the word "senile" meant, I had heard it used and remembered it.

She told me that the word "senile" was best discribed (her view) by comparing my brain of 7 to her brain of 85 years. She told me that we could compare my brain to books in a library like the Spencer library (the town where I lived of 7,000 population) She continued to say that her 85 year old brain had many more books in it. She compared her brain to the Library of Congress in Washingto D.C.(with almost every book written in the US).
She told me that when a young person 20 to 40 years old would ask her a question. she would go to her imaginary library of books in her brain and begin going through the rows and stacks of books to find the answer. Compared to me looking for an answer it took her much longer to sort through all the books in her brain and these younger people were not very patient and could not wait for her answer so they stopped and called her "senile" for the reason.

I think that is so good an explaination especially noe that I am going to be 71 in a few days and so far God has blessed me with a fairly good memory. Like another one of my classmates told me. She didn.t have altzhimers...she called her condition "Sometimers". that's what I have at times!!!! (Thanks Elaine)

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